Sunday, June 03, 2007

Chatbox Censored.Youtube Censored. What else lah aiyoh.

So you all know they censored Youtube here in Thailand right? Yeah. And then I discovered that in some places, even my blog's CHATBOX is censored? I lack the courage to voice out my thoughts on the um, government here. People get jailed/banned/dismissed/beat-up here for voicing out opposing thoughts.

You know how they say 'who you hang out with influences your character' (or something like that lah)..well, what about the things you read. I mean, let's say I read this magazine about the latest music technology and they write their reviews as realistically as possible, whether it be praise or downright disgust. Will I in turn learn to "review" other products that I see in a shop in that same way? Does one pick up and practice another person's way of thinking just by constant reading of the other's writing?

Extremely random thought: Does anyone remember Shon Leong? Where is he ar??


111 said...

Shon Leong is studying in the UK. hahaha... He is still damn cute. I saw him at KLIA airport when sending Julian off, i think. Sending someone off la. But yah, still hot. hehehehe...

Sarah Lim said...

YES. that happens. being influenced by what you feed yourself with. reading, time with people, watching tv, listening.. anything. it affects the way u behave.