Monday, August 08, 2005

*crossed fingers*

"We'll just see the place first,okay?" said I earlier today. It was after lunch and my parents and I were talking with Ps.Suphot about my accomodation in Bangkok. There's a Korean pastor there who is willing to let me stay at his church.For free. The catch? I play keyboards/piano for his church service on Sundays. Do they have different teams that take turns to play?No. Which means, I'd play every week. Frankly, considering past experiences, I'm not too keen about this idea. Apparently, if I take a public bus [ugh,not again!] it would take about 40 mins to get to college. But that's coming from someone who doesn't take the bus and I shall assume the info slightly faulty. As in, exchange the 40mins to, say, an hour or so. Audio engineering has an unpredictable schedule. So I need to be ready in case I find myself in an unpredicted situation. I was full of what-ifs 'cause all this while I'd been hoping for a room where I don't need to be obligated to entertain whoever else is there. But staying for free at a church and being expected to play every Sunday sounds like just the beginning of a looong string of other obligations-to-come. sigh. And that's when the discussion became a 'lil heated. Which was when I ended up saying we'd just see the place first and try out the routes to get to college and THEN decide. And that's why tomorrow, I leave for Bangkok to go see this place. The evil, inconvenient, princess side of me is hoping to goodness that we'll find some sort of fault in the place. *guilt* *pushes guilt away* We'll see.
Oh, I'm supposed to be taking my motorbike license sometime soon. Hope it works out. *grin*

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