I just washed all the dirty dishes, cleaned the stove, swept&mopped the hall, kitchen, & Tammy's my room, did some laundry, cleared the dining & computer tables, folded laundry, sorted cds, and bathed.
Raise your hands if you think you're living in a microwave oven on High. Anyone wanna join me for a session of ice-cream floats, followed by a trip to the nearest sprinkler/pool/stream/tub?
Lisa: There are too many buttons in the world. Too many buttons...begging to be pressed. You know, they're just begging to be pressed. And it makes me really wonder... Why doesn't anybody ever press mine?
So Susanna pushed it. It must have hurt. But I dunno...
Susanna: ...maybe everyone out there is a liar. And maybe the whole world...is stupid and ignorant. But I'd rather be in it. I'd rather be in it...than down here with you.
Sorry I couldn't remove the "than down here with you" coz I wanted the "I'd rather be in it"..
I feel Lisa. I got her. I wasn't sure I agreed with Susanna, but it did sound intriguing. Made me wonder about me. Would I "rather be in it" just 'cause? Or am I too stubborn to conform. Am I "dead already"? Do I keep coming back to that.one.place? Do I needthat place to feel alive? "Why doesn't anybody ever press mine?"
I've recently been plagued with the craving for a new phone with a camera. I'm not usually bothered with the latest this-and-thats in life, and I've always thought I'm too clumsy for a more-than-just-functional phone, but ...now I want a nicer one.
Darn these questionnaires. I shall cut out some questions:
Layer 1: Righty of lefty : Lefty.
LAYER 2 : My weaknesses : Cheesecake.
LAYER 3 : My thoughts first waking up : Where am I today......oh yeah. My most missed memory : Crazy trips with great friends.
LAYER 4 : Want to get married : Yes,please. Believe in yourself : I do believe in fairies, I do! I do! *d'ng* Been on stage : Yes, gimme more, I need practice.
LAYER 5 : HAVE YOU EVER... Played a stripping game : Have I? Changed who you were to fit in : I tried to, it lasted a grand total of....24hours.
LAYER 7 : WHAT WERE YOU DOING... A minute ago : Eating Hershey's. Hour ago : Reading Michelle's blog 4.5 hours ago : Eating lunch 1 month ago : Getting excited to go back to KL Year ago : Halfway through my Diploma in Audio Engineering (everybody go "oooh")
LAYER 8 : FINISH THE SENTENCES... I love : cheesecake, Sarah, Pet, Arielle. I feel : hungry.again. I hate : when people sweep around me while I'm eating. I hide : my headphones so Darren won't steal them I miss : Arielle, Ronnie, RoyalRangers, Dancing. I need : food, mp3player, God, exercise.
So John Hurley Quinley III and i were having a regular chat session this week, when.....
JJ: how old are you in your photo? 14 15 16 ish? Me: what photo? JJ: your DP pic Me: hahahahahhahahaahhahhahaha i took this last week.
JJ: ohhhh hahah I joke i joke i kid i kid i mean what a nice pic of you joni! :) it looks like you are alot younger which is not a bad thing it just does not look the same as you in real life.