Tuesday, September 29, 2009

everybody needs..

...a colony of crazy friends who can entertain them seemingly endlessly. thankfully, i have some for myself, and they include this bangkok bunch who are capable of: (as far as my knowledge goes, and i know it doesn't go far enough)

- dressing up as Pippi Longstocking and Alladin's Genie..
- jell-o-ing their leader's staplers for him to discover the next day..
- sticking a 101 post-it notes alllllllll over their leader's office for him to discover the next day
- buying a freakishly-happy funky-hair-colored mannequin and sitting her in their leader's office for him to discover the next day (and naming her "Zelda splurtzsomething")
- dyeing their hair purple and blue and shaving a "hand of God" onto their little brother's head
- piercing their own and each other's ears
- taking over whole karaoke rooms to belt out such hits as "Barbie Girl" and "My Heart Will Go On" with much gusto. And all in formal attire too, no less.
- duct taping little boys to walls

and some random photos for proof....

yes. everybody needs such friends=)

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