Monday, May 19, 2008

While you say T.G.I.F., I love my Mondays

I love my current Mondays la. It's my off-day. Heh.
Anyway, point of post is, I figured some of you may be asking me these questions soon, so might as well explain to at least those who read.

Job: Freelance vocal trainer
(+piano/keyboard teacher lah hahah)


1. Acoustic Shack (USJ9)

2. Master's Touch Conservatory (USJ9)

3. LARA's Place (SS2)
4. Rock City School (KL)

5. Home


1. Saturdays

2. Saturdays/Tues

3. Fridays/Sat

4. Wed/Thurs nights.

5. any day
(in order of schools)

How much:

Varies between schools.

Private - RM100/mth/4classes, 45mins/lesson

Group - RM80/person, minimum 3 ppl

P.S. Inquiries, let me know. hahahahahahhahhahha.
P.P.S. Who wants to design my namecard? I lazy.

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